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by Hirsch, Annabelle, 1986- author.; Updegraff, Eleanor, translator.

Publication Date: 2023


This is a neglected history. Not a sweeping, definitive, exhaustive history of the world but something quieter, more intimate and particular. A single journey, picked out in 101 objects, through the fascinating, too-often-overlooked, manifold histories of women. With engaging prose, compelling stories, and a beautiful full-page image of each object, Annabelle Hirsch curates a diverse compendium of women and their things, uncovering the thoughts and feelings at the heart of women's daily lives. The result is an intimate and lively alternative history of humans in the world.

cover of A history of women in 101 objects

by Hasen, Richard L., author.

Publication Date: 2024


Throughout history, too many Americans have been disenfranchised or faced needless barriers to vote. Part of the blame falls on the Constitution, which does not contain an affirmative right to vote. The Supreme Court has made matters worse by failing to protect voting rights and limiting Congress's ability to do so. The time has come for voters to take action and push for an amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee this right for all--Front jacket flap.

cover of A real right to vote : how a constitutional amendment can safeguard American democracy

by Cogliano, Francis D., author.

Publication Date: 2024


After Thomas Jefferson visited Mount Vernon in 1801 to pay his respects to George Washington's widow, Martha Washington remembered the encounter as the second-worst experience of her life-after the death of her husband. The two founders had become estranged by the time that Washington died. But for most of the time that they had known one another, from their first meeting in 1769, they enjoyed a productive and positive relationship.

cover of A revolutionary friendship : Washington, Jefferson, and the American Republic

by Hines, Michael, 1985- author.

Publication Date: 2022


During the Second World War, as Black Americans fought to save democracy abroad, Madeline Morgan brought debates over Black recognition and inclusion into the classroom. She created and championed the first Black history curriculum adopted by the Chicago schools. Her curriculum, Supplemental Units for the Course of Instruction in Social Studies, met with natural attention and became a model for teachers, schools, and cities across the country.

cover of A worthy piece of work : the untold story of Madeline Morgan and the fight for Black history in schools

by Curtis, Edward E., IV, 1970- editor.

Publication Date: 2023


Unlike the majority of introductions to Islam, which all too often elide essential theological and legal debates in favor of presenting a homogenized Middle East-centric view of what Islam represents to all Muslims, this book provides a balanced perspective on Sunni, Shia, and Sufi Islam at the geographic, social, political, embodied, reproductive, and doctrinal margins. Its objective is to develop an inclusive vision of the religion and its many interrelated communities.

cover of Across the worlds of Islam : Muslim identities, beliefs, and practices from Asia to America

by 孙建军, editor.; Sun, Jianjun, editor.

Publication Date: 2016

cover of Alashan bo wu guan wen ji

by Comen, Elizabeth, author.

Publication Date: 2024


For as long as medicine has been a practice, women's bodies have been treated like objects to be examined and ignored, idealized and sexualized, shamed, subjugated, mutilated, and dismissed. The notion that female bodies are flawed inversions of the male ideal lingers on, as do the pervasive societal stigmas and ignorance that shape women's health and relationships with their own bodies.

cover of All in her head : the truth and lies early medicine taught us about women's bodies and why it matters today

by Roy, Jessica, author.

Publication Date: 2024


The Sally sisters, raised in a rural Jehovah's Witness community in Arkansas, spent their teens and twenties moving between cities and towns in the South and Midwest, working difficult and poorly-paid jobs and falling in and out of relationships. Caught in an eternal sibling rivalry -- where Lori, younger by a year, protected bold, outgoing, reckless Sam -- the two women eventually married a pair of brothers and settled down in Elkhart, Indiana, just around the corner from each other. And it was there that their lives totally and violently diverged.

cover of American girls : one woman's journey into the Islamic state and her sister's fight to bring her home

by Abdo, Diya, author.

Publication Date: 2022


In this intimate and eye-opening book, Diya Abdo--daughter of refugees, U.S. immigrant, English professor, and activist--shares the stories of seven refugees.

cover of American refuge : true stories of the refugee experience

by Williams, Heather Andrea.

Publication Date: 2014


This short introduction to American slavery begins with the Portuguese capture of Africans in the 1400s and, drawing upon the scholarship of numerous historians as well as the analysis of primary documents, explores the development of slavery in the American colonies and later, the United States of America. It analyzes early legislation in Virginia that differentiated Indians and Africans from Europeans and began the process of stratifying society based on racial categories.

cover of American slavery : a very short introduction

by McLeod, Alexus, author.

Publication Date: 2023


This book introduces the central topics of the philosophical traditions of indigenous groups of North-Central America such as the Maya and Nahua (Aztecs), and the current state of the field. It includes references to and quotes from crucial primary and secondary literature in the area--

cover of An introduction to Mesoamerican philosophy

by Lev, Sarra, author.

Publication Date: 2024


This book explores the question: How did the rabbis of the first two centuries CE approach bodies that are born with variant genitals--bodies that they could not identify as definitely male or female? The rabbis had constructed a system in which every behavior was governed by one's sex/gender, posing a conundrum both for people who did not fit into that model and for the rabbinic enterprise itself. Despite this, their texts contain dozens of references to intersex.

cover of And the sages did not know : early rabbinic approaches to intersex

by Harrison, Kathy.

Publication Date: 2004


Kathy Harrison recounts her efforts to help foster children who have faced horrifying pasts, discussing how helping the children she took in helped her heal her own emotional scars.

cover of Another place at the table

by Aechtner, Thomas, author.

Publication Date: 2024


This important book provides a comprehensive guide to understanding vaccine hesitancy, as well as the nuances of antivaccination claims. It is designed to give clinicians and other professionals targeted information to help them address vaccine hesitancy and antivaccination claims, as well as ways of responding to immunisation concerns. This is essential reading for anyone wishing to really understand the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy, whether professional, student or general reader, and the methods that can be used to challenge misinformation--

cover of Antivaccination and vaccine hesitancy : a professional guide to foster trust and tackle misinformation

by Courville Nicol, Valérie de, 1969- author.

Publication Date: 2022


Showing how Americans have massively turned to a self-help empowerment model to manage chronic feelings of insecurity, Anxiety in Middle-Class America explains why no group has ever been as anxious about anxiety and interested in tackling it as a moral and personal problem. Anxiety is the focus of increasing preoccupation and intervention in middle-class America and the late modern world. It is reportedly the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting almost a quarter of its adult population every year. Views diverge on what this means.

cover of Anxiety in middle-class America : sociology of emotional insecurity in late modernity

by Shi, Shuangzhu, author.

Publication Date: 2023

cover of Aoluguya Shilu Ewenke min zu jing ji she hui bian qian

by Tang, Shin Shin, 1970- author.

Publication Date: 2024


[This book] is an essential resource for understanding the twofold battle many Asian Americans face of anti-Asian racism and intergenerational trauma. Drawing from liberation psychology and cultural betrayal trauma theory, it rightly situates Asian American trauma in its historical and cultural context. It also presents a liberatory approach to counseling that disrupts the inherent power differential between therapist and client, and, in doing so, creates the opportunity for deeper connection and healing.

cover of Asian American psychology and psychotherapy : intergenerational trauma, betrayal, and liberation

by Bouiron, Marc, editor.; Garcia, Dominique, editor.

Publication Date: 2023


Des milliers de découvertes surgissent sans cesse sous la truelle des archéologues. Les vestiges d?habitats, de tombes, de sanctuaires ou d?ateliers enrichissent notre patrimoine comme notre0compréhension des sociétés passées. Jamais encore ces archives du sol, du Rhin au Finistère, de la baie de Somme à la Corse et dans les terres d?outremer, n?avaient été cartographiées et illustrées avec une telle ampleur.

cover of Atlas archéologique de la France

by McQuade, Barbara, author.

Publication Date: 2024


American society is more polarized than ever before. We are strategically being pushed apart by disinformation--the deliberate spreading of lies disguised as truth--and it comes at us from all sides: opportunists on the far right, Russian misinformed social media influencers, among others. It's endangering our democracy and causing havoc in our electoral system, schools, hospitals, workplaces, and in our Capitol.

cover of Attack from within : how disinformation is sabotaging America

by Toff, Benjamin, author.; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis, 1980- author.; Palmer, Ruth, 1979 January 16- author.

Publication Date: 2024


A small but growing number of individuals in the West identify themselves as news avoiders and are turning away from traditional news organizations. For news avoiders, news as reported by the mainstream press is not worth their time or emotional energy, not relevant to their lives, too partisan, or not to be trusted. Even in the last few years as news has seemed particularly pressing, people are increasingly avoiding it as revealed in a recent surveys.

cover of Avoiding the news : reluctant audiences for journalism

by Delattre, Alexandra, 1983- author.

Publication Date: 2024

cover of À contretemps le roman catholique dans le second XIXe siècle

by Wagner, Kurt (Journalist), author.

Publication Date: 2024


In battle for the Bird, Bloomberg journalist Kurt Wagner takes the reader inside Twitter's everchanging headquarters, charting its rise from flippant 140-character posts to one of the world's most consequential tech companies. From Jack Dorsey's triumphant return as CEO in 2015 to the rise and fall of @realDonaldTrump to the contentious $44 billion sale to Elon Musk, Battle for the Bird exposes the messy reality and relentless challenges that come with building a global social network.

cover of Battle for the bird : Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 billion fight for Twitter's soul

by Wohlleben, Peter, 1964- author.; Wuthrich, Belle, 1989- illustrator.; Billinghurst, Jane, 1958- translator.

Publication Date: 2024


52 outdoor activities one for every week of the year! Being outside is fun when you've got lots to explore, discover, track, and create! This book is filled with educational activities that kids will love, like harvesting algae, pressing flowers, and watching spiders spin their webs. Written by a famous forester who founded a nature academy for kids, these activities are creatie, unique, wildly entertaining, and can be completed rain or shine all year round. -- page 4 of cover.

cover of Be a nature explorer! : outdoor activities and adventures

by Gross, Tal, author.; Notowidigdo, Matt, 1981- author.

Publication Date: 2024


A health-economics textbook for the rest of us. The economics of healthcare are messy. For most consumers, there's minimal control around costs or services. Sometimes doctors get paid a lot; other times they don't get paid at all. Insurance and drug companies are bad, except when they're good. Everyone still uses fax machines. If economics is the study of markets and efficiency, how do we make sense of any of this? Better Health Economics is an warts-and-all introduction to a field that is, economically speaking, more exceptions than rules.

cover of Better health economics : an introduction for everyone