Music Library - Home

light-filled space surrounded by book, LP stacks with large wood tables and chairs down the center


The Music Library is located on the second floor of the Performing Arts Center (PAC376).

The collection contains more than 132,000 items, including books, bound periodicals, musical scores, records, DVD's and compact discs. Listening stations are located throughout the library.

- Photo by Milo Whitman

Close-up portrait of Kyra Rengstorf smiling

Outstanding Graduate 2024

Kyra Rengstorf

Master of Music

A Well-Trained Heart: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Kodály-Inspired Secondary Choirs

Kyra's work was nominated by faculty for the Western Association of Graduate School (WAGS) Distinguished Master's Thesis Award this year.

Kyra Rengstorf is one of WWU Music’s finest graduate students. With years of public-school teaching experience, she brought her gift as a pedagogue to her instruction in the choral area and core music courses. Her service to the department and commitment to excellence would qualify her a suitable permanent hire. She has been a model for the undergraduate cohort - diligent, resourceful, collaborative, and collegial. Kyra's artistic excellence is demonstrated in her programming and conducting in performance.

Music Library Video Tour