Political Science

This interdisciplinary edited collection features historians, anthropologists, artists, and activists who explore a transpacific understanding of the legacies of the testing and use of nuclear weapons. Instead of limiting the focus of the nuclear humanities to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these essays take readers from the New Mexican desert, to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, to small fishing villages on the island of Shikoku in Japan. They bring together different times and places as well as art historical analysis and academic essays. Focusing on themes of resistance, this collection illustrates the varied methods artists and activists can use to combat nuclear regimes through their aesthetic and political work. By putting activists and artists together, it demonstrates the overlaps and linkages between them as well as the different ways political and artistic expression can respond to nuclear threats and effect change. Through the personal testimonies of hibakushas, lawsuits filed to demand compensation for the medical treatment of affected fisherman, community education programs that raise historical awareness, and artistic projects that provide social commentary, this volume illustrates that nuclear resistance can come in many forms--

An interdisciplinary collection of cultural, historic, activist, and artistic essays that discuss the impacts of Trump's policies and rhetorics towards BIPoC/Latinx migrants--

International organizations (IOs) are essential and controversial actors in global governance, working on just about every imaginable issue that states cannot easily address individually. The Second Edition of International Organizations in World Politics offers a comprehensive overview of major IOs and regional organizations and their role in global governance. Tamar Gutner presents a variety of theoretical approaches to analyzing the roles and impact of large IOs, including the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization, and examines their historical development, governance structure, activities, and performance. For each IO, a detailed case study illuminates the constraints and challenges it faces in areas of contemporary global challenges like conflict resolution, development, the environment, trade, and financial crisis. The Second Edition includes updated coverage of IOs' responses to major world issues like the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and other geopolitical tensions--

Central American mothers share their stories about seeking protection in the U.S. as extortion and killing by criminal groups soared, as the abuse and murder of women exploded, and as the rule of law disintegrated in their home countries. They left home to ensure their own survival and to make a future for their children. Increasingly depicted as a national security threat as undocumented migrants, this is the story of their struggle to find a secure foothold in this country--

American society is more polarized than ever before. We are strategically being pushed apart by disinformation--the deliberate spreading of lies disguised as truth--and it comes at us from all sides: opportunists on the far right, Russian misinformed social media influencers, among others. It's endangering our democracy and causing havoc in our electoral system, schools, hospitals, workplaces, and in our Capitol. Advances in technology including rapid developments in artificial intelligence threaten to make the problems even worse by amplifying false claims and manufacturing credibility. In Attack from Within, scholar and MSNBC legal expert Barbara McQuade shows us how to identify the ways disinformation is seeping into all facets of our society and how we can fight against it with practical solutions to strengthen the public, media, and truth-based politics. Disinformation is designed to evoke a strong emotional response to push us toward more extreme views, unable to find common ground with others. The false claims that led to the breathtaking attack on our Capitol in 2020 may have been only a dress rehearsal. Attack from Within shows us how to prevent it from happening again, thus preserving our country's hard-won democracy--

Historian Martha Jones offers a sweeping history of African American women's political lives in America, recounting how they fought for, won, and used the right to the ballot and how they fought against both racism and sexism. She excavates the lives and work of Black women who, although in many cases suffragists, were never single-issue activists. She recounts the lives of Maria Stewart, the first American woman to speak about politics before a mixed audience of men and women; African Methodist Episcopal preacher Jarena Lee; Reconstruction-era advocate for female suffrage Frances Ellen Watkins Harper; Boston abolitionist, religious leader, and women's club organizer Eliza Ann Gardner; and others who were pioneers for both gender and racial equality. Revealing the ways Black women remained independent in their ideas and their organization, Jones shows how Black women were again and again the American vanguard of women's rights, setting the pace in the quest for justice and collective liberation--

In the 1830s, the French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville warned that insufferable despotism would prevail if America ever acquired a national administrative state. Today's Tea Partiers evidently believe that, after a great wrong turn in the early twentieth century, Tocqueville's nightmare has come true. In those years, it seems, a group of radicals, seduced by alien ideologies, created vast bureaucracies that continue to trample on individual freedom. In Tocqueville's Nightmare, Daniel R. Ernst destroys this ahistorical and simplistic narrative. He shows that, in fact, the nation's best corporate lawyers were among the creators of commission government that supporters were more interested in purging government of corruption than creating a socialist utopia, and that the principles of individual rights, limited government, and due process were built into the administrative state. Far from following un-American models, American state-builders rejected the leading European scheme for constraining government, the Rechtsstaat (a state of rules). Instead, they looked to an Anglo-American tradition that equated the rule of law with the rule of courts and counted on judges to review the bases for administrators' decisions. Soon, however, even judges realized that strict judicial review shifted to courts decisions best left to experts. The most masterful judges, including Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the United States from 1930 to 1941, ultimately decided that a day in court was unnecessary if individuals had already had a day in commission where the fundamentals of due process and fair play prevailed. This procedural notion of the rule of law not only solved the judges' puzzle of reconciling bureaucracy and freedom. It also assured lawyers that their expertise in the ways of the courts would remain valuable, and professional politicians that presidents would not use administratively distributed largess as an independent source of political power. Tocqueville's nightmare has not come to pass. Instead, the American administrative state is a restrained and elegant solution to a thorny problem, and it remains in place to this day.--Amazon.com

This is a detailed book-length study of the period of the Cromwellian Protectorate from December 1653 to its demise in May 1659.