Political Science

One of the defining features of twenty-first century American politics has been the rise of affective polarization: Americans increasingly report that they distrust and dislike those from the other party and want to avoid interacting with them in a wide range seemingly non-political contexts, from Thanksgiving dinners to dating. This has damaging downstream consequences: many studies and evidence from our everyday lives shows that affective polarization reduces electoral accountability, weakens support for the democratic norms, and makes it more difficult for Americans to responded to crises, such as COVID-19. What, if anything, can be done? Our Common Bonds shows that-although affective polarization has multiple causes and there is no silver bullet that will eradicate it-there are concrete interventions that can reduce it. Matthew Levendusky argues that partisan animus stems in part from individuals misperceiving how much they have in common with those from the other party. Survey and experimental evidence show that priming shared identities and connections outside of politics can help people to reframe the lens through which they evaluate the out-party and, in so doing, turn down the partisan temperature--

This book, one of the first to focus exclusively on the experiences of Republican congresswomen, uncovers some of the gendered implications of congressional polarization. Looking beyond legislative behavior, Gendering the GOP: Intraparty Politics and Republican Women's Representation in Congress reveals changes over time in the way Republican congresswomen (1) claim to represent women and (2) work together to advance their own interests within the party. Through extensive interviews with women members of Congress and in-depth analyses of House floor speeches, the book details how women have both navigated and shaped existing gender dynamics within the House GOP conference. It demonstrates that Republican women in Congress are not merely gender-blind partisans. Rather, it complicates traditional understandings of the relationship between descriptive and substantive representation, showing how polarization and party competition have incentivized Republican women to organize around their partisan-gender identity--distinguishing themselves from both Democratic women and Republican men. Doing so has increased their visibility as party messengers, while simultaneously limiting their legislative power in the institution. This book shines light on the ongoing challenges Republican women face, the intricate gender dynamics they must learn to navigate in their party, and potential opportunities for change.--

Consistent Democracy offers an intellectual history of the arguments, advocacy, and commentary about the so-called woman question and American popular government from the 1830s through the 1890s. What did it mean, a range of observers asked, that the world's first mass democracy only enfranchised white men? The inconsistency of women's political non-existence provoked a movement for change, led by familiar figures such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Movement voices were one part of a noisy and often discordant chorus. Only by attending to this broad range of competing voices can we understand popular political thought in nineteenth-century America--

Réunissant plus de deux cent cinquante chercheuses et chercheurs issus du monde entier, ce livre nous invite à regarder la colonisation française en face, avec les yeux des colonisés et des colonisateurs. Les meilleurs spécialistes mettent à notre disposition une connaissance profondément renouvelée de la domination coloniale, de ses formes parfois surprenantes, de ses effets dévastateurs, de ses limites longtemps ignorées, ainsi que de ses rémanences actuelles.Dans une époque tout entière dominée par les questionnements identitaires et les affrontements mémoriels, ce livre collectif restitue de manière lucide, accessible et passionnante, la grande diversité et la complexité des situations coloniales en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et dans les Amériques.

From white-collar executives to mail carriers, public workers meet the needs of the entire nation. Frederick W. Gooding Jr. and Eric S. Yellin edit a collection of new research on this understudied workforce. Part One begins in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth century to explore how questions of race, class, and gender shaped public workers, their workplaces, and their place in American democracy. In Part Two, essayists examine race and gender discrimination while revealing the subtle contemporary forms of marginalization that keep Black men and Black and white women underpaid and overlooked for promotion. The historic labor actions detailed in Part Three illuminate how city employees organized not only for better pay and working conditions but to seek recognition from city officials, the public, and the national labor movement. Part Four focuses on nurses and teachers to address the thorny question of whether certain groups deserve premium pay for their irreplaceable work and sacrifices or if serving the greater good is a reward unto itself. Contributors: Eileen Boris, Cathleen D. Cahill, Frederick W. Gooding Jr., William P. Jones, Francis Ryan, Jon Shelton, Joseph E. Slater, Katherine Turk, Eric S. Yellin, and Amy Zanoni--

With the rise of far-reaching technological innovation, from artificial intelligence to Big Data, human life is increasingly unfolding in digital lifeworlds. While such developments have made unprecedented changes to the ways we live, our political practices have failed to evolve at pace with these profound changes. In this path-breaking work, Mathias Risse establishes a foundation for the philosophy of technology, allowing us to investigate how the digital century might alter our most basic political practices and ideas. Risse engages major concepts in political philosophy and extends them to account for problems that arise in digital lifeworlds including AI and democracy, synthetic media and surveillance capitalism and how AI might alter our thinking about the meaning of life. Proactive and profound, Political Theory of the Digital Age offers a systemic way of evaluating the effect of AI, allowing us to anticipate and understand how technological developments impact our political lives - before it's too late. Mathias Risse is the Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights, Global Affairs, and Philosophy at Harvard University. He is the author of On Global Justice (2012), On Justice (2020), and Global Political Philosophy (2020), as well as the co-author of On Trade Justice (2019) and Holding Together: The Hijacking of Rights in America and How to Reclaim Them For Everyone (2022)--

Originally published in French as Bagages, Carry On began in a high school in Outremont, Quebec, where author and poet Simon Boulerice conducted creative-writing workshops for young newcomers to Canada. As the students began writing, their poems gave voice to their reflections on leaving family, friends, and countries of origin to make new homes and connections in Canada. Boulerice collected several of the students' poems to create this anthology. Throughout the collection, feelings of sorrow, loss, and anxiety find expression alongside emotions of anticipation, gratitude, and hope as the resilient young writers grapple with questions such as: What is home? Who am I? What does the future hold? Metaphors paint vivid pictures of the students' experiences: feeling the bite of snow for the first time, seeking comfort like steaming hot chocolate from new people, and embracing a new reality by slashing my chrysalis. The poems are paired with expressive portraits painted by award-winning and prolific artist Rogé, who is the illustrator of many children's books, and who had wanted to create images of immigrants. Award-winning literary translator Susan Ouriou, who also translated two Poppy & Sam books, crafted the English text. Carry On, with its soft palette and evocative portraiture, is a tribute to human resilience as it makes space for the voices of newcomers and creates empathy for all those who wonder about their place in the world.--

This title offers comprehensive coverage of the key theories and global issues in world politics. The eighth edition engages with contemporary global challenges, featuring a brand new chapter on 'Refugees and Forced Migration' and updated coverage of decolonization to ensure the book continues to cover those topics that will define the key issues in IR into the future. Tailored pedagogical features help readers to evaluate key IR debates and apply theory and concepts to real world events.

Established in the 1940s, the Five Eyes intelligence network consists of Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. The alliance was integral to shaping domestic and international security decisions during the Cold War, yet much of the intelligence history of these countries remains unknown. In The Bridge in the Parks, intelligence scholars from across the Five Eyes come together to present case studies detailing the varied successes and struggles their countries experienced in the world of Cold War counter-intelligence. The case studies in The Bridge in the Parks draw on newly declassified documents across a variety of topics, including civil liberties, agent handling, wiretapping, and international relations. Collectively, these studies highlight how Cold War intelligence history is more nuanced than it has often been portrayed - and much like in the world of intelligence, nothing is ever entirely as it seems.--

The papers collected in this book apply the insights of the philosophy of peace to contemporary issues and the larger problem of what it means to have hope and to work for peace in dark times--