University Archives & Records Management
Today's Hours: Closed View all Library Hours
Access and Use of Materials
Materials in Archives & Special Collections do not circulate, meaning they must be accessed onsite. Learn more about what to expect when you visit us and work with collection materials.
Harmful Language & Content Warning
We acknowledge that problematic content exists in the material we collect and the methods we use to interpret those resources. We welcome respectful dialogue with those who may be harmed or impacted, and seek to engage in respectful practices that build trust and collaboration.
Read our full "Statement About Potentially Harmful Language and Content"
UARM Policies
University Archives is the official repository for the institutional archives of WWU. This status is authorized by university-wide policy, POL-U4910.01 Managing University Archival Records. As a supplement, University Archives has also published an Appraisal Guide that outlines basic criteria records must meet in order to be collected into the Archives.
The university-wide policy, POL-U4910.03 Managing University Records, outlines basic requirements related to records and recordkeeping at WWU. For more information, please see our Records Management Policy FAQ.
University Archives and Records Management serves a cultural, memory, documentary, and business function for Western Washington University.
As the official repository for the institutional archives of Western Washington University, the University Archives compiles a record of the significant activities carried out in the fulfillment of Western’s mission. The Archives preserves records as a resource for the university community and promotes use of the collection by faculty, staff, students, alumni and the general public.
Records Management supports the ongoing integrity of record-keeping at Western, affecting both current and long-term documentation, and in this capacity supports and enhances development of the University Archives. For more information and resources, see our Records Management page.

About University Archives
University Archives is the official repository for the institutional archives of WWU. The purpose of University Archives is to document Western’s history and the fulfillment of its mission by
- Preserving a continuity of evidence of official acts and decisions
- Ensuring Western’s accountability to itself, to its stakeholders, and to posterity
- Safeguarding and preserving Western’s archival university records
- Providing a resource by which Western’s staff, faculty, students, and alumni can connect their work and interests with the institution’s history
- Sharing Western’s history with the local community and general public
How to Access University Archives
Nearly all University Archives material is freely available for in-person access, although in rare cases access restrictions are required by law. Researchers must schedule an appointment to ensure access due to limited staff availability. Please contact or call (360) 650-3124 with inquiries.
Selected Online Collections of University Archives
Please consult the "Finding Materials" section of the Archives & Special Collections homepage for ways to access online content from University Archives. For digital collections, see the Western Libraries section of MABEL.
You may also contact or call (360) 650-3124 with any questions, and we can help guide you directly to relevant content.
Location: Goltz-Murray Archives Building
The Goltz-Murray Archives Building is located at 808 25th St., at the corner of Bill McDonald Parkway and 25th St., on the south end of the Western Washington University campus.
Free archives visitor parking is available in Lot 33G (across from main entrance), marked by signs on north side of the lot.
Contact Us
University Archives
Phone: (360) 650-3124
Records Management
Phone: (360) 650-3124
Katie Stacy , she/her
Assistant University Archivist for Records Management and User Services; (360) 650-2092 ; AB102
Tony Kurtz , he/him
University Archivist and Records Manager; 360-650-3114 ; AB 226
Elizabeth Joffrion
Director of Archives & Special Collections; (360) 650-3283 ; Wilson Library 673